
Do you really need HVAC air duct cleaning?

PT Duct Cleaning

One of the best things you can do for your HVAC system is to give it adequate maintenance. Of all the maintenance practices, duct cleaning seems to be the one on everybody’s lips. We need to really ask ourselves if Chicago duct cleaning necessary? Just because everyone is doing it, does that make it right? Well, to get a better sense of things, let’s explore some of the air duct cleaning Chicago issues.

The following frequently asked questions would help you put things into perspective.
Do air ducts get dirty easily?
Yes, they do.

Is it a common occurrence?
Yes it is.

Should I clean my air duct regularly?
Yes, at least every 3 years.

Why is a regular HVAC duct cleaning not recommended?
An HVAC duct cleaning isn’t recommended as part of your regular HVAC maintenance. You won’t even find any reputable airduct cleaning Chicago service outlet recommending it. In fact, there is lots of prohibition against routine HVAC duct cleaning from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)*.

As part of their regulations, the EPA strongly prohibits the cleaning of air ducts except on an as-needed basis. This is because there are lots of grey areas when it comes to the benefits of regular air duct cleaning Chicago. The EPA also goes as far as to say that there is really no proof that Chicago duct cleaning prevents any health challenges. What’s more, there is no evidence that that dirty air ducts increase the level of dirt in homes due to the fact that dirt in air ducts remain in the ducts, and do not in any way gain entrance into the living space.

This is not to paint Chicago duct cleaning as something bad, but rather to let you know that it isn’t necessary as most people will make it out to be. When done as instructed, Chicago duct cleaning can be very helpful, most, especially in situations when the ducts are infested, or contaminated. However, when you clean a dusty duct, it really has no value, and you might end up wasting resources.

It is essential to know that the chances of your air duct been in terrible shape is not a common experience. Moreover, as a rule of thumb, if you feel like your air ducts are dirty enough to warrant the touch of a duct cleaning service Chicago, then it is better you clean up the whole HVAC system rather than the duct alone.

To learn more about the many benefits of Air Duct Cleaning in Chicago and suburbs, contact your PT Duct Cleaning at (773) 517-5350. Our exclusive cleaning process incorporates the most powerful air duct vacuum in the country. It will leave your ducts cleaner than you ever imagined. We’ll even show you the before and after images to prove it!


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*EPA– protecting human health and the environment.

PT Duct Cleaning